
from cider.datastore import DataStore
from cider.satellite import Satellite

We first load some datasets - whose paths have been specified in the config file - using the datastore. The satellite module will by default try to load antenna/tower coordinates, shapefiles defining (administrative) boundaries, the Relative Wealth Index for the country of interest, and population density raster data.

# This path should point to your cider installation, where configs and data for this demo are located.
from pathlib import Path
cider_installation_directory = Path('../../cider')

datastore = DataStore(config_file_path_string= cider_installation_directory / 'configs' / 'config_quickstart.yml')
satellite = Satellite(datastore=datastore)
Loading antennas...
Warning: 10 antennas missing location

The module can aggregate the RWI - which provides an asset index measure at a resolution of 2.4km x 2.4km - at one of the geographic levels provided by the antennas/towers, in which case their voronoi tessellation will be used - or one of the loaded shapefiles.

In this case, we have loaded (synthetic) data for the country of Togo, and for aggregations at the tower level we will run:

satellite.aggregate_scores(dataset='rwi', geo='tower_id')

while for cantons, admin level 3 in Togo, we will run:

satellite.aggregate_scores(dataset='rwi', geo='cantons')
../../cider/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  score = (score * pop).sum() / pop.sum()

The table is also saved as a geojson, storing the identifier of each region, its score - in this case its Relative Wealth Index - its population, and its geometry.

import geopandas as gpd
region score pop geometry
0 1 -0.283597 16017.569922 MULTIPOLYGON (((0.75228 6.83786, 0.75137 6.840...
1 2 -0.413565 4367.875125 MULTIPOLYGON (((0.69026 6.80602, 0.69627 6.806...
2 3 -0.394428 9757.760028 MULTIPOLYGON (((0.63102 6.74430, 0.63295 6.747...
3 4 -0.420952 2884.407900 MULTIPOLYGON (((0.67259 6.85123, 0.67714 6.849...
4 5 -0.112190 2907.861156 MULTIPOLYGON (((0.75269 6.84116, 0.75137 6.840...